The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Friday, February 27, 2004

Becca's blog was added to the WG website today. Things are coming right along.

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Laura's blog has been added to the list. (See blog's linked from the right hand side of the main home-page)

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Added this blog, as a way of easily telling people what's new around here. Plus, blogs are the new Grove toys.

It says that Mab is always posting these, but that might be a lie, as it was simply Mab who set up this update blog.

The updates have become VERY not updated as you can tell by the dates, but this is a vague attempt at ensuring that they are in the future.
Jeninia introduces 'Funerals and Farewells' on Page 4; Mike Gleason has submitted three new book reviews on page 7.

Jan 19th '04:

Draig Athar introduced 'Ghosts - What are they'; Osran added to the comments on the fourth member's page (pg 3); Mike Gleason submitted four new book reviews.

Jan 12th '04:

Bink introduced 'Spirit and Soul?' on page 4; the Wench added to the members' page, with a plea to sign her petition.

Jan 11th '04:

Added a crib-note page for those introducing a weekly discussion to the bottom of page 4.

Jan 10th '04:

Added the Healing Board to the front page

Jan 5th '04:

Draig Athar created a gorgeous new banner for us; and Minerva Ravenwing introduced this week's discussion on 'Finding Your Deity'. Anna Alexander has reviewed for the Website Review page; while a link has been added to a review of OUR site by Shewolf Silver Shadows.

Jan 4th '04:

Mike Gleason submitted three new book reviews.

Jan 3rd '04:

A site and petition added to the Pagan Headstone Campaign page; December is now the month featured on page 2; and Mike Gleason has reviewed 'Before you Cast a Spell' by Carl McColman.

Dec 30th '03:

Added the Banners and Logos page.

Dec 29th '03:

Ebony and Draig both added comments to The Members' Page and their businesses to the Shopping Mall. Added Mab's home-page to the Owners and Mods Page.

Dec 28th '03:

Mike Gleason has reviewed 'The Proof of my Survival' by Andrew Honigman; the weekly discussion is now The Crone; there are details added to the Cill Dara page, plus a members' group, Auldwicce has been added.

Dec 26th '03:

I've been a little lax at up-dating the 'What's New?' page, while the rest of the site has continued to be up-dated almost constantly. What I **think** has been added since Dec 10th are:
A section from Bella on the Members' Page (plus the addition of her Gold Mine to the Shopping Mall); also on the Members' Page are four new yahoo groups, Journey Into the Looking Glass, Learning World Mythology, Pagan Copyright Defenders and Pagan Headstone Campaign.

There are four new reviews from Mike Gleason, while Kate Weston, Jeninia, Mab, Flightless Angel and Draig Athar have all added more of their work to the Art Gallery.

The most recent weekly discussions were 'Yule' by Janice and 'Christmas' by Warriormail Mike

Dec 10th '03:

An Art Gallery linked up to the Home Page.

Dec 8th '03:

'Rituals made Easy' by Georgia added to the Weekly Discussions page; plus a Lost It? page, comprising of every link to every page on the site, added; plus this page added, expanding information previously kept from Nov 13th 2003 on the home page.

Dec 5th '03:

Reviews pages re-formatted to look posher.

Dec 4th '03:

Live pagan news feeds added to the Positive Paganism page

Dec 1st '03:

'Music and Spirituality, hey?' by Karen added to the Weekly Discussions page.

Nov 30th '03:

Loads of updates! Page 2 has been changed to reflect November; page 3 is into its third members' page; plus the Witchgrove Store has a live link to the Pixie range; page 6 actually has some 'taster' files now; and page 7 is filling up nicely with reviews.

Nov 29th '03:

Added a Reviews Page.

Nov 23rd '03:

Added four new pages.

Nov 16th '03:

Added a link to 'Mattel Eagle' by Stephane Gariepy to the Other Writings Page

Moved links to other groups to the Members' Page and added links for three groups, plus another on the Owners and Mods' Page.

Added counter on home-page, set at 'zero'.

Nov 13th '03:

The Witchgrove Store opened for business

Updated the Owners and Mods' Page, to include introductions from Bink and Smiling Moon.

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