The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Monday, July 26, 2004

The wonderful Hikaru has introduced a weekly discussion on 'Eclecticism' on page 4.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Another brilliant introduction to a weekly discussion - Jeninia's ''Blood of my Blood' - Handfastings' is on page 4.
The Bards of the Grove has seen some activity today, with Phoenix Thorn submitting two poems, 'A Nice Place' and 'Internet Gnomes', and Georgia submitting her prose, 'The Witchgrove'.
Mike Gleason has reviewed 'Set Yourself Free' by Shirley Smith, on page 7, book reviews.
Alfynda Morgain's link to her Candle shop changed to show her new web-site:
Candles by Alfynda Morgain

Saturday, July 17, 2004

A reflective Andy Charnell has submitted two 'Pagan Musings' for the Bards of the Grove

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Loads of updates!
Mike Gleason has reviewed:
I Spoke with the Spirits of the Plants  by Petr Vackar
Llewellyn's 2005  Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac
The Complete I Ching  The Definitive Translation  by Master Alfred Huang
The Tarot  by Kathyrn Lanier
on the Book Reviews page
Brad has reviewed the film, 'King Arthur', on the Film, Television and Videos page 
Finally, there are two additions to the Shopping Mall - Lenny Bach and Lillyth have both been added to the Seamstresses/Ritualwear section

Sunday, July 11, 2004

The wonderful Warriormail Mike has introduced 'Transportation of the Gods' on page 4; while Mike Gleason has submitted a review of JT Garrett's 'Meditations with the Cherokee' on page seven, book reviews.

Monday, July 05, 2004

Saoirse has written a stunning introduction to the subject of 'Soul Fragments' on page 4; and Mike Gleason has submitted two more book reviews on page 7:

'Medicine of the Cherokee' by JT Garrett and Michael Garrett
'The Witch's Shield' by Christopher Penczak

Friday, July 02, 2004

The statistics page has been updated with June's figures for those fascinated by charts and numbers.

Also, a new page has been added: The Local Pages!
Mike Gleason has submitted three more book reviews:

'Into the Storm' by Meghan Brunner
'The Outer Temple of Witchcraft' by Christopher Penczak
'Oh No! UFO' by Linda Joy Singleton.

Thanks Mike!