The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Chandan Lohia has written a stunning introduction to forms of meditation, which may be found on page 4; while Mike Gleason has submitted a review of Diotima's 'The Stones'.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Mike Gleason has submitted two new book reviews for page 7:

'The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Fairies' by Anna Franklin
'The World's Most Haunted Places: From the Secret Files of' by Jeff Belanger

Both of these reviews were converted into html by Bookshop Kate, who has now offered to take over the htmling of all of the reviews for Witchgrove. Thank you Kate!

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The subject of this week's weekly discussion is 'Weather Magick' brilliantly introduced by Anna Alexander on page 4.

Also, Pixie's has been added to our Shopping Mall.
Mike Gleason has submitted three book reviews:

'Book of Names (Book 1 of the "Diadem, Worlds of Magic" series)' by John Peel
'Book of Signs (Book 2 in the "Diadem, Worlds of Magic" series)' by John Peel
'If You Want to Be a Witch' by Edain McCoy

and also, two academic reviews:

'The Sea Priestess' by Dion Fortune
'The Meaning of Witchcraft' by Gerald Gardner

All of the above may be located on page 7.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Anna has reviewed Ann-Marie MacDonald's 'Fall to your Knees' on the book reviews page (page 7).

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Kassandra has introduced a discussion on 'Discovering and Accepting your Path...' on page 4; and Mike Gleason has reviewed 'Mirror, Mirror' by Dottie Enderle on the book reviews section of page 7.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Cailet has perfectly introduced a weekly discussion on 'Lughnasadh', which you can read on page 4.

Monday, August 02, 2004

The Statistics page has been updated to include July 2004's figures.

Mike Gleason has submitted five reviews, all on the Book Reviews page:

Llewellyn's 2005 Herbal Almanac
Llewellyn's Witches' Calendar 2005
Llewellyn's Witches' Datebook 2005
Llewellyn's 2005 Magical Almanac
'Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara' by Ashleen O'Gaea

and This Month in the Grove, on page 2, has been updated to show July 2004.