The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Babs has introduced this week's discussion, on the subject of 'Samhain'.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Film review of 'Sixth Sense' by Mab of Dream.

In the Private Members' Section, Buffie's blog address has been updated and blog links have been deleted for members who have left.

Pixie's added a Meditations etc section to the website's Discussion Forum Sections in there are the moment are:
Working with Spirits and Guides

Friday, October 21, 2005

The Members' Section is now into its 7th page! This is headed by David 'Daveykins FoxFire' Gonterman and includes this banner:


Reviews from Mike Gleason:

'The Song of an Emerald Dove' by Xanna Vinison
'Eldest: Inheritance, Book II' by Christopher Paolini
The Ancient Art of Faery Magick by D. J. Conway

Added to both Book Reviews and the Discussion Forum

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I've led this week's discussion, entitled the 'Appropriation of Paganism'.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Added "Pathworking" by Mab of Dream to the Bard of the Grove.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Anna Alexander has expertly led this week's discussion, on the subject of 'Pagan Indulgences'.

Added to the Gemstone Deva page is this month's birthstone, Opal.

Book Review section (and Discussion Forum) additions, both reviewed by Mab:

'The Calm Before the Storm' by Stormy Johnston
'Tarot of a Moon Garden' by Karen Marie Sweikhardt

Film Review section addition, reviewed by Andrea Wakely:


Finally, everything you always wanted to know about Mab but were afraid to ask? You can bet that Athena Sydney asked it: Mab interview.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Jami has interviewed Georgia about Witchgrove! Read all about it here!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The weekly discussion this week has been wonderfully introduced by Georgia, on the subject of 'Truths', and illustrated by Nancy.

An additional page has been added to a previous weekly discussion introduction ('Symbolism' by Dreamweaver) providing links and pdfs providing 'Symbols and Emblems for Embroidery'. There should be more, but procrastination and a crashed computer meant I lost some of the e-mails providing things for this. *cringe*

Pixie has fixed the user-pics option on the Guestbook! *happy dance* Check it out and sign it. You know you want to.

There's now a current moon display on the homepage, thank you :-D

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Buffie has submitted photographs of the Handfasting of the Year in Colorado; they are in the private members' area.
The link on the Pagan Headstone Campaign page has been up-dated to direct us to their new website:

Book Reviews now has two new ones:

'From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race' by Andrew Collins reviewed by Mab

'The Enchanted Diary (A Teen's Guide to Magick and Life)' by Jamie Woods reviewed by Mike Gleason

Both also added to the discussion forum.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I've got the Guestbook back up and running, but still with a myriad of problems beyond my knowledge to sort out. I've asked for help again in three likely places. --- One of which worked! Hurrah for the Lazarus forum and Carbonize! Just need to sort out the smilies and user pics and all is well with it. No more spam!

The stats page has been updated to reflect September 2005.

'This Month in the Grove' has also been updated to show September 2005.