The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Weekly Discussion: Christmas

A beautiful discussion by a beautiful soul.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Weekly Discussion: Uploaded

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Big Thank You and Latest Academic, Books & Films Reviews Added

A Big Thank You to 'Stormy Johnston', Grove Member and Author, 'The Calm Before the Storm' & Publishing House 'Inner Traditions', with 'Pagan Christmas' & 'Witchcraft Medicine', for graciously accepting to be the first's in the latest trend in the Book reviews section and given there permission slip for the use of their book covers.

'Jo Harrington', Grove Member and Author, has accepted the offer as well, once her review on her book, surfaces !

'Blood of The Isle: Exploring The Genetics Roots of Our Tribal History' by Bryan Sykes reviewed by Jo Harrington

'The Dictionnary of The Esoteric' by Nevill Drury reviewed by Mike Gleason
'Silver's Lure' by Annie Kelleher reviewed by Mike Gleason
'The Pickingill Papers' by Bill Liddell reviewed by Mike Gleason
'Modern Pagans' by V. Vale & John Sulak reviewed by Mike Gleason

'Eragon' reviewed by Raine
'Happy Feet' reviewed by Stayce

Monday, December 11, 2006

Weekly Discussion: Broomsticks Uploaded

Saturday, December 09, 2006

This Month in the Grove and Stats

The stats have been up-dated to show November 2006, while 'This Month in the Grove' spills the gossip on that month.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Loreena McKennitt, The Witching Hour and ArtCee

I've been generally tidying up pages, but there are some significant new links too.

A link to Cee's art has been added to her exhibits in 'Art of the Grove'.

Roxanne has reviewed Loreena McKennitt's 'Ancient Muse'.

The interview with Trevor Jones now has a link to his radio show, 'The Witching Hour'.

Those with the password to the Private Members' Area, there are some additions to the Messenger page.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Woods of Mystery

Ooops! It's been there since Monday...

Georgia has led this week's discussion, a beautifully crafted piece entitled, 'The Woods of Mystery'.

The Haitian Vodou and Pagan Christmas book reviews