The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Witchgrove celebrated it’s 2nd birthday!!! Baby pics were posted and voted on. Everyone thought Anna was Mike and thought the mystery baby was Cabochon when it was Bookshop Kate

Charles started a new job in a sex shop.

Mab started a new job at Aimhigher P4P.

BS Kate interviewed in a film about witch trials, moved into a new house AND had a party. Her Nan passed through veil.

FtE getting engaged.

Mab was in an accident and is recovering ;)

Tracy's cat had four kittens, two live and two still.

Corey started new job and left it again because it was shit; and started another one which isn't shit, but the money is.

Teri’s mom died

Mike/FtE/Fforest Elf’s mother died

Laura foiled burglars where she works, by giving chase and getting their car reg. She also spilled wine and dictated to Mab.

Juell climbed some stairs

Bella had surgery and now has new "girls"

Don aka Mr. Bink has a new kite

Elen peed in the poddy

Mab discussed the Lovers Card w/o breaking into a rash. She also learned a thing or two about Heathens.