The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Page 7, book reviews, all by Mike Gleason:

'Obi Oracle of Cuban Santeria' by Ocha'ni Lele
'The Destruction of Atlantis' by Frank Joseph
'The Pagan Mysteries of Halloween' by Jean Markale

Also added was:

Nica and Grimier's blogs are on the Blog page;
Twin Rose Designs is in the tailor/seamstress section of the Shopping Mall;
Phoenix's introduction to Frejan Witchcraft is on page 4;
Cabochon's review of 'the Craft', Georgia's review of 'Practical Magic' and Brad's review of 'Brother Bear' all on the film review page.

New link added:
Twin Roses Designs - Costumes and Clothing from All Time Periods!