The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Friday, April 30, 2004

This month in the Grove..............

Minerva became a grandmother again.

Ebony's ex father-in-law, Trev, died.

Chelle started selling her soaps in a local health food store

Carrie was accepted into the Isis Moon Temple training programme.

Mab's friend, Nick Aylett, and Godfather, Clive Southall, both

Nica got a haircut and has started to get things started for her
bookstore in Colorado

Jamie passed her driving test.
Moondust got married.

FT Kate's play made it through to the next round, in
Evesham, and she won best actress.

Pixie surprised the Vegas cacklefesters by turning up.

The Mythic Journey conference people agreed to screen
Karen's short documentary, "Burning Man Through Irish Eyes", in Atlanta,