The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Phoényxa has done two pieces of art on 'Angel' and 'Rebirth', if any of you fancy running with it.

Plus 'Bards...' Laurie's 'A Brook Runs Thru It...' and Aud's 'Stonehenge'

To the Shopping Mall, Lenny's new site, The Golden Gecko (in the Crafts Section) for Weird 'stuff' it says here... and Aud's amazing cards.
In the reviews section, Mike Gleason's review of 'Alchemy at Work' by Cassandra Eason.
(and Georgia's review of 'The Exorcist' will be in the film review section shortly)

Plus Mike Gleason's review of 'Alchemy at Work' by Cassandra Eason on page 7,
Plus Ian's yahoo group 'Veggie Cook' added to page 3
Plus Lenny's shop 'The Golden Gecko' added to the Crafts section of the Shopping Mall
Plus Aud's cards added to the Cards section of the Shopping Mall