The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Buffie Stanley has reviewed 'The Hidden Messages in Water' by Masaru Emoto on page 7's Book Reviews

Done some tidying up:

  • Jeninia's 'Triple Moon' is now displayed in The Art of the Grove after it was somehow missed in the move from the old site.

  • Mab's grandparents can now be seen again on the 2003 Samhain Remembering Page

  • The link to the New Temple of Astarte now works on page 3.

  • The link to Cee's interview with Cerr now links properly from the Quick Links page; as do Mike Gleason's reviews of 'Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Beltane to Mabon' by Ashleen O'Gaea and 'The Craft' and 'The Craft Companion' by Dorothy Morrison, on page 7.

  • Pixie and Jeninia's greetings now show up on 2003's Yule greetings page.

  • Brad's review of 'Brother Bear' can now be read on the Film Reviews page.

  • A couple of pictures will now display in the Private Members' section.

  • You can now actually e-mail the Wolverhampton Moot owner on the Black Country and Birmingham local pages, which you couldn't before because of a dodgy link.

  • Repaired the links in Mab's Magical Names weekly discussion.