The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

On page 4, Heather has introduced a weekly discussion entitled, 'Finding your Inner Goddess'.

There are several art submissions that have been added to the Art of the Grove, five from Griselda Tello, two from TygerCub and one from Dragonstar.

A link to a left-wing news site, Alter Net, has been added to the Kindly Ones page.

The stats page has been updated to reflect February 2005. It's also been tidied up a bit.

Buffie and Dreamweaver added their blogs (Private Members' Page).

'This Month in the Grove' was updated for February 2005 on page 2.

The Bards of the Grove section had submissions from Sylvie and Will Shakespeare added to it.