The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Minerva Ravenwing, Jami and Seren Lleuad have all added their live journals/blogs to the list in the private members' section. I've also added a link to this up-date blog.

Mike Gleason has submitted book reviews for the following:

  • 'Book of Nightmares (Book Six of the "Diadem Worlds of Magic" series)' by John Peel
  • 'Cakes and Ale for the Pagan Soul' by Patricia Telesco
  • 'Sons of the Goddess' by Christopher Penczak
  • 'The Golem's Eye (The Bartimaeus Trilogy Book Two)' by Jonathan Stroud
  • 'The Sea Queen and the Shore Witch' by Jamie Grandy

    All of these can be found on page 7, under 'Book Reviews'