The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Cerr has introduced the subject of 'Rites of Passage' on page 4.

If you receive this, it means that I've just worked out how to send an automatic up-date whenever there's a post to website update blog.

Do we want this?

In the Private Members' area, Gryph has left a tribute to her friend Bobbie; also Jami has been added to the blogs.

There have been two additions to our banners page:
Support Amnesty International

In the Bards of the Grove, Draig Athar has written a celebration of her Friends and taken us on a journey to Hatters Park in Sitting under my willow tree friend by Candlewood Lake; while Maishan Sidhe has evocated the Goddess of Love in Tides From the Moon.

Over on the film reviews page, TygerCub has reviewed 'The Interpreter' and 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.

Friday, May 27, 2005

The Grove have been discussing 'How our Creative Passions Tie Into Our Spirituality' all week, after an introduction to the subject by Roxanne on Monday. It's now on the website on page 4.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Repaired some duff links. Cerr's weekly discussion introduction to The Faery Tradition now shows the picture of her and Mary Ann again.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Draig Athar has three 'Rambles' added to the Bards of the Grove, while Mab's retelling of the 'Ragnell and Gawain' legend has also been added.

Monday, May 16, 2005

I've introduced a weekly discussion on 'Answering SOSs' on page 4.

The banners and links page actually shows the code to link back to Witchgrove now.

Updated the blog page in Private Members' Area

I've also reviewed 'Spiritual Pathways Faces of God' by Cathy Farinas Johns on the book reviews page.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Bella's introduced the subject of 'Hereditary Witchcraft' on page 4.

In the Private Members' section, Gryph's blog has been added.

Added links to Oh My Gods! and World Paranormal Investigations to the Banners page.

Removed the counter from the front page until GoStats Richard has fixed his server. It is still counting us, just not visible. Visitors to the website can still be retrospectively counted on the stats page. As we have had a GoStats counter since the first incarnation of the Witchgrove website (and as Richard is working flat out to try and fix the problem, with others deserting him left, right and centre), we made an executive decision in Mods to stay with them. It's a free service and has always done the job, with a friendly support system behind it.

If you'd like to comment on this, there is a comments section at the end of each up-date blog. Feedback is always useful.

Bards of the Grove has two new additions: Draig Athar's 'Went for a Walk' and Mab's 'Rhiannon and Pwyll'.

There are four new reviews in the book reviews section:

'Book of War (Book 7 of the "Diadem: Worlds of Magic" Series)' by John Peel
'The Cherokee Herbal' by J. T. Garrett
'The Ghost of Shady Lane (Book Eight in the "Fortune Teller's Club" series)' by Dotti Enderle
(all reviewed by Mike Gleason)


'The Herbal Encyclopedia: A Practical Guide to the Many Uses of Herbs' by Rev. Dr. Lisa R. Waltz, ND, DD, CNC
(reviewed by Pixie)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

TygerCub has introduced the topic of 'Commercialism and Paganism' on page 4.

The statistics page has been updated to reflect April 2005.

'This Month in the Grove' now shows April 2005