The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

In the Private Members' area, Gryph has left a tribute to her friend Bobbie; also Jami has been added to the blogs.

There have been two additions to our banners page:
Support Amnesty International

In the Bards of the Grove, Draig Athar has written a celebration of her Friends and taken us on a journey to Hatters Park in Sitting under my willow tree friend by Candlewood Lake; while Maishan Sidhe has evocated the Goddess of Love in Tides From the Moon.

Over on the film reviews page, TygerCub has reviewed 'The Interpreter' and 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'.