The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Book Reviews section is now looking like I wanted it to look, with thanks to great advice from Pixie.

New reviews added today are:

'Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell' by Susanna Clarke, reviewed by Mike Gleason, and 'The Place of the Lion' by Charles Williams, reviewed by Mab of Dream.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The book reviews section was getting so big and unwieldly that it's had a bit of a revamp. However, there is more that needs to happen to it and I can't work it out at all.

After 5 hours last night and another hour today, it can just &*£% off before I put the computer through the window.

If anyone understands framesets or the base href tag in html, then please contact me on forthwith.

Thank you.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Aud has masterfully introduced the subject of 'Forgiveness' in the Grove. Read her introduction on the Weekly Discussion Page.

Up-dated the blog page in the private members' area.

Apologies to Athena Sydney, I've only just noticed that she wasn't mentioned on the home-page under 'Interviews with Witchgrovers'. That is now rectified.

Cerr's page has had a bit of a revamp to mark the occasion of Pixie becoming a Witchgrove mod. *happy dances* More to follow over the next few weeks.

Friday, July 22, 2005

We have more reviews! In the book reviews section, Mike Gleason has reviewed:

'Fifty Years of Wicca' by Frederic Lamond
'Wiccan Spirituality' by Kevin Saunders
'Advanced Wiccan Spirituality' by Kevin Saunders
'Teenage Witch's Book of Shadows (An Introduction to Sympathetic Magic)' by Anna de Benzelle & Mary Neasham
'The Mysteries of Mithras' by Payam Nabarz
'True Hauntings' by Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D.

Mab reviewed:

'December' by Phil Rickman

In the film reviews section, Mab, TygerCub and Aud all reviewed 'The War of the Worlds'; while Georgia reviewed 'Constantine'.

In the music reviews section, Mike Gleason has reviewed 'Sacred Sounds of the Female Orisha' collected by Raul Canizares.

There's been an addition to the Members' Pages in the form of Pagan Book Club run by Branwynn Annwn and Saoirse.

In the Shopping Mall, Alfynda Morgain's new logo can be found in the Craft's Section.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

July's birthstone, Ruby, has been added to the Gemstone Deva page.

has been added to the banners page.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

As Grove members flock to register on the website's message forum, several books are open for discussion in the new Book Discussions section:

'December' by Phil Rickman
'DiscWorld series' by Terry Pratchett
'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' by JK Rowling
'Heiress to Evil' by Athena Sydney
'Mists of Avalon' by Marion Zimmer Bradley
'The Celestine Prophecy' by James Redfield
'The DaVinci Code' by Dan Brown

You need to be registered with the forum in order to post, but once you are, please do jump in with topics and comments. If you want a book adding to the list, just let the mods know.

Saoirse has masterfully introduced this week's discussion, entitled 'What is a Witch?', on page 4.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Cerr has introduced this week's discussion, on the subject of 'Cauldron Magic', on page 4.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Glow Diva's logo added to the Crafts section in the Shopping Mall and her banner has been added to her section on the Members' Pages.

Tabitha Bradley has added her section to the Members' Pages.

Added a link to Duncan McFarlane's site to the Kindly Ones page.

Added the crossing of Tarna's soul-mate, Luna, to 'This Month in the Grove - Sept 2004'.

Page 7, book reviews, has two additions. Both have been reviewed by Mike Gleason:

'The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft' by Christopher Penczak
'The Quickening (An Urban Fantasy)' by Ly de Angeles

A series of articles, originally posted to Witchgrove, have been added to the Gemstone Deva page. These encompass the birthstones from January to June, written by Holland's finest gemstone author.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Anna Alexander has introduced this week's discussion, on the subject of 'Magickal Living', on page 4.

Repaired the link to the Cerr interview, so you can now see the up-to-date version.

Jodi has added her section to the Members' Page. Not entirely unrelated, her Glow Diva Candles has been added to the Shopping Mall, under 'Crafts'.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Updated the Stats page to show the figures for June 2005.

This Month in the Grove has been updated for June 2005.

The Members' Pages has several additions:
Wichita Women LBT
Gemstone Deva
Dreamweaver has added her entry to the member comments.

The Shopping Mall has also had some up-dates and additions:
Stormy's Store
The Charmers' Market
Alfynda Morgain's Candles

Replaced missing illustration on Roxanne's 'Candle Magick' weekly discussion, with one of Colette's candles, beautifully photographed by Andrea Wakely.

For private members, the blog section has been updated.

Swopped picture of Cerr, in the interview conducted by Cee, for a recent one taken by BoJo.

Page 7, book reviews have been up-dated to include:

Mike Gleason's reviews of:

'Last Dance' by Linda Joy Singleton
'The Knights Templar and Their Myth' by Peter Partner
'The Secret History of Freemasonry' by Paul Naudon
'The Virgin Mary Conspiracy' by Graham Phillips
'Bonechillers' by David Cropper

and Mab's review of 'The Chalice' by Phil Rickman.

Page 7, music reviews have been up-dated to include Cerr's review of 'Monty Python's Spamalot'.

Page 7, film reviews have been up-dated to include TygerCub's review of 'Mr & Mrs Smith'.

Bards of the Grove has been updated to include:

'I Am Alive' by Draig Athar
'Rambles IV' by Draig Athar
'Rambles V' by Draig Athar
'Camels and Deserts' by Georgia Langley

Art of the Grove has been updated to include:

'Tor Story' by TygerCub