The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Friday, July 22, 2005

We have more reviews! In the book reviews section, Mike Gleason has reviewed:

'Fifty Years of Wicca' by Frederic Lamond
'Wiccan Spirituality' by Kevin Saunders
'Advanced Wiccan Spirituality' by Kevin Saunders
'Teenage Witch's Book of Shadows (An Introduction to Sympathetic Magic)' by Anna de Benzelle & Mary Neasham
'The Mysteries of Mithras' by Payam Nabarz
'True Hauntings' by Hazel M. Denning, Ph.D.

Mab reviewed:

'December' by Phil Rickman

In the film reviews section, Mab, TygerCub and Aud all reviewed 'The War of the Worlds'; while Georgia reviewed 'Constantine'.

In the music reviews section, Mike Gleason has reviewed 'Sacred Sounds of the Female Orisha' collected by Raul Canizares.

There's been an addition to the Members' Pages in the form of Pagan Book Club run by Branwynn Annwn and Saoirse.

In the Shopping Mall, Alfynda Morgain's new logo can be found in the Craft's Section.