The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Another round of up-dates:

In the Book Reviews section, there are several new reviews by Mike Gleason:

'ShadowQueen' by Debbie Federici & Susan Vaught
'2006 Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac' Llewellyn
'Forbidden History' edited by J. Douglas Kenyon
Llewellyn's 2006 Herbal Almanac
Llewellyn's 2006 Magical Almanac
Llewellyn's 2006 Witches' Calendar
Llewellyn's 2006 Witches' Datebook
'Secret Societies of America's Elite' by Steven Sora
'The Hermetic Tradition' by Julius Cvola
Book of Oceans (Book Eight in the "Diadem Worlds of Magic" series) by John Peel
Red is for Remembrance by Laurie Faria Stolarz
Sea Switch (Book Three in the "Strange Encounters" series) by Linda Joy Singleton

And one review by Mab:

'A Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague' by Geraldine Brooks

WE'VE WON AN AWARD! Check it out on the banners page.

In the Private Members' Section, there are photos of Jodi's Blessing Way.

Finally, on page 4, Dreamweaver has expertly led this week's discussion on Symbolism.

More to follow another day!