The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Mike Gleason has reviewed the 'Witchcraft: Rebirth of the Old Religion' DVD by Raymond Buckland.

Branwynn Annwn has provided a fascinating History of Gemstone Therapy, as the basis for this week's discussion.

On a related topic, September's birthstone, Sapphire, has been added to the Gemstone Deva page.

Mab has reviewed 'Doomsday Book' by Connie Willis, added to both book reviews and the discussion forum.

Chris's banner has been changed in the 'Artwork' section of the Shopping Mall.

Lasting Impressions

Nice, eh? Yes, it's clickable, go and look!

Finally, Nancy's artwork, 'Mabon', has been added to the Art of the Grove.


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