The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Two new sections have been added to the discussion forums, under the heading 'Bigging Up and Causes'. Here Grovers can tell us about any charities, causes or simply individuals whom they know are wonderful and want the whole world to know it.

Authors whose surnames begin D-E are now categorized in the book discussion forum.

The book reviews homepage now displays links to the categories. This is a work in progress and will grow.

Mab has reviewed 'The Town Below the Ground: Edinburgh's Legendary Underground City' by Jan-Andrew Henderson.

Lasting Impressions by Chris has been added to the Artwork section of the Shopping Mall.

Additions to the Art of the Grove are 'Genesis Dance' by Phoenyxa and Dreamweaver's 'Celtic Cross', 'Window of my Soul', 'Spirituality', 'Crack of Dawn', 'Colors' and 'Light and Dark'.

An amendment has been made to This Month in the Grove, under 'Rites of Passage and Veil Crossings': Phoenyxa's cousin (not her neice) is Alicia, not Claudia!


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