The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

I've been a bit slack up-dating this! All week the discussion has been 'Will I EVER be enough?' by Cerr.

Huge thanks to the Gemstone Deva who, with the submission of December's birthstone, Turquoise, has given us a complete year's worth of these articles. Thank you, cariad.

In the academic reviews section, Mab has reviewed 'Fifty Years of Wicca' by Fred Lamond; this is also added for discussion in the Wicca section of the Book Discussion Forum.

Cabochon has reviewed the 'Revelations Tarot' by Zach Wong, also added to the Tarot section of the Book Discussion Forum.

Pixie added these to the website for us:

Dreamweaver discussing Correllian Nativist Tradition
Mab discussing Alexandrian Wicca

In the film reviews sections, there are submissions by:

TygerCub reviewing 'Dead Birds'
Cerr reviewing 'Pride and Prejudice'
Georgia reviewing 'Skeleton Key'

In the music reviews section, Mab has reviewed 'Rian' by Liam Ó Maonlai

The statistics page has been updated to show November 2005.