The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

This week's discussion has been collected by Pixie, but created by Witchgrove. See the introductory contributions on the weekly discussion page; and add your own on Witchgrove itself and/or in the discussion forum.

Two years ago, when this site was just getting up and running, the lovely Faithweaver created a picture for us to link to the Shopping Mall. For that, we thank her wholeheartedly, but it was made before the colour scheme of the website had been finalized and these days looked a little out of place.

The beautiful and talented Scorpius has just rectified that! Go to the home-page or the Members' Pages to see what he's made for us.

The Memorial Grove is now completely fixed and displays new, bespoke artwork by Yve.

Two new Yahoo groups have been added to the list of those owned or moderated by members of Witchgrove. Both are Mephisto's: Deaf Solitary and Pagan Fossils.