The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Karen is in the spotlight this week, sparking discussion in Witchgrove on the subject of Imbolc.

Scorpius has added his comments to the Members' Page and his banner:

'Defiance Motor Sports'

We are honoured to have received a Penny Little short story, 'The Lesson', and a Mephisto original, 'Yuletide Greeting: Jesus Found!', submitted for inclusion into Bards of the Grove, also added is a pathworking by myself concerning Elen of the Ways.

Up-dated the blog index.

Added Web Design to the Shopping Mall (under 'Artwork'); also added the HoboCare Calendar to the calendar section there.

New book reviews:

Reviewed by Charles Arnold:

'The Pagan Man: Priests, Warriors, Hunters and Drummers' by Isaac Bonewits

Reviewed by TygerCub:

'The Forest House' by Marion Zimmer Bradley

Reviewed by Mike Gleason:

'The Druids' by Jean Markale
'Egyptian Power Stamps' by Dr. Ronald Bonewitz
'A Rosicrucian Notebook' by Willy Schrodter

These have all also been added to the Book Discussion Forum.

(There's more to come, it's just that your web-mistress is generally a useless git and a very tired one at that. More another day.)