The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Book reviews added!

The Reflexology Atlas by Bernard C. Kostler, M.D. & Astrid Waskowiak, M.D
The Oestara Anthology of Poetry Edited by Cynthia Joyce Clay
Escape from Arylon by Jo Whittemore
The Mystery Traditions by James Wasserman
Book of Reality (Book 9 in the "Diadem Worlds of Magic" series)'by John Peel
Companion to the Apprentice Wizard by Oberon Zell- Ravenheart

More to come!

These have NOT been added to the forums because I didn't know which category to pop them in. (Note Feb 25th - These are now in the discussion forums too)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! »

4:47 pm  

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