The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Cerr has introduced this week's discussion, entitled 'Open to Possibility', while Pixie's discussion from last week, entitled 'Hearts, Candy and Flowers oh my! ... Valentine’s Day…' has been archived.

In Bards of the Grove, there are three new additions:

'Just Let Go', a poem by TJay Cogburn
'Chakra Pathworking', a pathworking by Sage Panthea
'Grove Story', a short story by Mab of Dream

In 'Art of the Grove', 'Desiderata' has been presented by Kerriwyn.

A group has been added: Solitary Pagans, owned by Georgia

Website review: Cerr has reviewed 'Free Will Astrology' in the website review section.