The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hi all,

The Sales Forum is now linked up from the Shopping Mall:

The Sales Forum

I'd like to big up with huge thanks Andrea, who has volunteered to mod
the Grove Shopkeepers and Crafters forum. Any queries etc about that
section should be directed to her. Thank you, cariad!

This forum is live on the site, so remember that anything posted there
is potentially read by over 2000 unique visitors per month. Great place
to tell about your new line in candles, terrible place to slag off your
work colleagues. ;-)

Opalline, I've seen your interest in the permaculture/recycling modding.
If the vacancy is still there in a few months time, when your life is
less hectic, we'd be happy to have you mod it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! »

8:01 pm  

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