The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Some members of Witchgrove have taken over various parts of the website, making them their own.

Rinelme has taken over the book discussion board, where he has cross-referenced book reviews retrospectively, as well as those arriving since he took control. At his direction, several new categories have been introduced: Judaism, Knights Templar, Western Mystery Traditions and those books aimed at Youths and Children.

These are all now linked up from the Book Reviews page, where Yve has started learning how to do html specifically to take over the coding of the website reviews themselves. The first one done is:

'The Pagan Man' by Isaac Bonewits, reviewed by Mike Gleason.

The music review section has undergone a radical change, under the talented direction of the hard-working Branwynn Annwn. It has expanded into a whole Music Section, which already contains videos and interviews, as well as an extended collection of reviews. There's much more to come there, as Branny talks several big names into joining us there.

The recently added Sales Forum, which can be found in the Shopping Mall, is growing at an amazing rate. Andrea has taken on the mantle of two of the forums: Grove Shopkeeper and Crafters, which highlights the sales of those Grove members who do this for a living, while General Sales covers those sales caused by people having a clear out. There are some great bargains to be had there! (On a personal note, Andrea has also gone through the Shopping Mall and alerted me to all the dead links and things to tidy up. It's looking very neat and lovely in there now, thanks to her.)

In the same place, the trinity of Dreamweaver, Opalline and Fforest Elf have joined forces to help us make the world a better place. They are currently brainstorming ideas on what categories to include as this area develops, but already the Tread Lightly forum contains a wealth of information concerning permaculture, recycling, creating energy efficient homes and creative gardens. The eco-warriors, and those who simply want to act responsibly within the home and bounty provided by Mother Earth, will love this area.

It's a time of exciting growth in our website with all these new ideas and energies coming through to create a wonderful whole.

On behalf of the Witchgrove Mods, I would like to thank all of those named above.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » » »

7:27 pm  

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