The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Monday, July 31, 2006

More members' comments

Cara and Tarna 2 have added their biographies to the Members' Pages.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Poison Master book review

‘The Poison Master’ by Liz Williams

Reviewed by Mab of Dream

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Inner Temple of Magick book review

The Inner Temple of Magick by Phillip Cooper

Reviewed by Mike Gleason

Monday, July 24, 2006

Pagan Coping Mechanisms

Saoirse has taken the lead in this week's discussion entitled 'Pagan Coping Mechanisms'.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Additions to the Shopping Mall

There have been two additions to the Shopping Mall. Liz Williams has written a series of excellent Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels, which can be accessed under 'books'; while fund-raising items for the campaign to win approval for pentacles on Wiccan military gravestones may be found under 'charities and causes'.

The Power of Thought and Word

Colette has expertly guided us into this week's discussion, 'The Power of Thought and Word'.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Foailtiarna WolfCaller

All 22 of Foailtiarna WolfCaller's (Tarna II) poems are now in Bards of the Grove.

Friday, July 14, 2006

The Bards

There's a new look Bards of the Grove, at least in the menu, brought about by the submission of a lot of poems by the wonderful Faoiltiarna WolfCaller.

So far four of her poems are listed. Come back in the near future for more of them.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Seduced by Magic book review

'Seduced by Magic' by Cheyenne McCray

reviewed by Mike Gleason

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Magical Almanac and Forbidden Magic book reviews

'2007 Magical Almanac' by Llewellyn
'Forbidden Magic' by Cheyenne McCray

Reviewed by Mike Gleason.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Statistics and This Month in the Grove

The stats have been up-dated to reflect June 2006.

'This Month in the Grove' has been up-dated to reflect June 2006.

The Five Elements

Rinelme has brilliantly introduced this week's discussion entitled 'The Five Elements'.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Summer Solstice Artwork

The artwork for Yve's weekly discussion, entitled 'Summer Solstice', is finally up.

Imaginary space-ships, BSL, Magazines and a Clear Mind

The flight crew of the Space Ship Funk have given us links that they want to add to their Witchgrove page. They qualify for one, because their Capt'n Ian is a member of Witchgrove. I give you the Space Cadets!

Tidied up the blog section in the Private Members' area, removing those who have deleted their blogs and those who have moved on from the Grove.

Added some BSL, created by Pixie, to the Deaf Solitary page.

Added Dreamweaver's Mind Clearing Visualization to the discussion forum.

A whole new section has been added to the Shopping Mall. Entitled 'Magazines', it was prompted by Sarah-Ann's 'The Saponifier', but also includes two older magazines run by Grove members, 'Whispers of the Witch Within' and 'Spiritual Journeys'.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Friendly Page for Disabled Browsers

Recently, Witchgrove hosted a weekly discussion entitled 'Disability and Paganism', which highlighted that our website is about as bad as you can get for those using software to assist their browsing of the internet.

With this in mind, we have created a disability friendly version of that introduction. 'Disability and Paganism'.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Llewellyn`s Calendar and Datebook

'2007 Witches' Calendar' by Llewellyn
'2007 Witches' Datebook' by Llewellyn

Both reviewed by Mike Gleason

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Protect the Planet, Our Magical Earth and all Upon It

Shewolf Silver Shadows has taken a break from launching one book and writing another, in order to introduce this week's discussion entitled, 'Protect the Planet, Our Magical Earth and all Upon It'.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Moon Magic, Case for Ghosts and A Seeker`s Journey, book reviews

'The Case for Ghosts' by J. Allan Danelek
'A Seeker`s Journey and Initiation into Wicca' by Janine DeMartini
'Moon Magic' by Dion F. Fortune

All Reviewed by Mike Gleason