The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Imaginary space-ships, BSL, Magazines and a Clear Mind

The flight crew of the Space Ship Funk have given us links that they want to add to their Witchgrove page. They qualify for one, because their Capt'n Ian is a member of Witchgrove. I give you the Space Cadets!

Tidied up the blog section in the Private Members' area, removing those who have deleted their blogs and those who have moved on from the Grove.

Added some BSL, created by Pixie, to the Deaf Solitary page.

Added Dreamweaver's Mind Clearing Visualization to the discussion forum.

A whole new section has been added to the Shopping Mall. Entitled 'Magazines', it was prompted by Sarah-Ann's 'The Saponifier', but also includes two older magazines run by Grove members, 'Whispers of the Witch Within' and 'Spiritual Journeys'.