The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Fantasy Games and Religion, plus many updates!

The wonderful Charity has led this week's discussion, entitled 'Fantasy Games and Religion'.

Karen's weekly discussion, entitled 'The Autumnal Equinox', now has artwork by Nancy, while Tzu's discussion, 'Tolerance and Understanding', now has artwork by Griselda.

Members of Witchgrove especially should nip and look at the Crafts section in the Shopping Mall. There's an up-dated Grove members only offer from Witchcraft Ltd.

Chris Martin, aka Scorpius, told us all about his music career in an up-dated entry in the Members' pages and Kiele has added herself too.

Meanwhile, Gryph and Dreamweaver have been very busily creating Zodiac clubs and their artwork.

Cerr has written a glossary of paranormal terms and given us permission to include it as a downloadable from our site. You can find it in 'From Our Files'.

There have been a fair few up-dates to 'Bards of the Grove':

'Love and Breakfast' by Georgia
'Samhain Sunset' and 'Y Draig Goch' by Mab
'A Few Thoughts' by Stayce
While Kathrien Moondail has shared with us four poems.

With many thanks to Andrea for sorting through the up-date folder and pointing me in the direction of all that needed doing.