The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Homepage Artwork

From the listowner:

I'm proud to announce the winner of our art contest for the Grove's
website and e-list cover art.......PIXIE! !! *insert fanfare and
applause here* Pixie's piece was voted the winner in the poll voted
on by Grove members; and I'm proud to say her work will remain as the
cover-art for the e-list, the website and also for our Witchgrove
cafepress store which is forthcoming and will benefit the website

THANK YOU to everyone who submitted their art and ideas for
the cover-art, I know I was VERY impressed with each and every piece
and wish they could all be on there; but if it's alright, I'd love to
have them in a special gallery IN the Grove art gallery - the current
art pieces that have been cover-art from the Grove's beginnings:
Phoenix rising by Morganna and Jeninia's piece on the website will be
lovingly retired to the gallery as well - I LOVE the two pieces of
art and am SO grateful to Morganna and Jeninia for sharing their work
with us for so long!

THANK YOU to everyone who submitted their art to the contest -
they're ALL winners to me; and CONGRATULATIONS to Pixie whose art
will be posted on the elist and website VERY soon with, you can be
sure, a fair amount of fanfare, chocolate cake and excellent astral

MUCH love


See this new artwork on the homepage: Witchgrove.