The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Friday, April 30, 2004

This month in the Grove..............

Minerva became a grandmother again.

Ebony's ex father-in-law, Trev, died.

Chelle started selling her soaps in a local health food store

Carrie was accepted into the Isis Moon Temple training programme.

Mab's friend, Nick Aylett, and Godfather, Clive Southall, both

Nica got a haircut and has started to get things started for her
bookstore in Colorado

Jamie passed her driving test.
Moondust got married.

FT Kate's play made it through to the next round, in
Evesham, and she won best actress.

Pixie surprised the Vegas cacklefesters by turning up.

The Mythic Journey conference people agreed to screen
Karen's short documentary, "Burning Man Through Irish Eyes", in Atlanta,

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Bella's discussion on Beltane has been added!

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Mab has reviewed 'Gerald Gardner and the Cauldron of Inspiration: An Investigation into the Sources of Gardnerian Witchcraft' by Philip Heselton for the Academic Reviews page.

The wonderful Mike Gleason has reviewed three books:

'By Candlelight' by Janina Renee
'Cuban Santeria' by Raul Canizares
'Pagan Tarot' by Gina M. Pace & Luca Raimondo

All of which may be found on the Book Reviews page:

He has also reviewed a CD:

'Sacred Sounds of Santeria' CD collected by Raul Canizares

Which may be found on the Music Reviews page:

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Mike's review

Lost Scriptures by Bart D Erhman

pg 7 books

Monday, April 19, 2004

Weekly Discussion: Prayers, Spells and Invocations by Colette as been added to the website.

Saturday, April 17, 2004

Mike Gleason's review of 'Gypsy Magic' by Patrinella Cooper.
The weekly discussions area has had a bit of a face-lift. There is now a dedicated Archives and Discussions to come page, because there are now so many of them! Plus the notes on doing a weekly discussion yourself has been changed slightly, but only format wise.

Page 4.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Page 3, Pixie's entry, has been updated, and now includes a link to her site:

Updated the HoBo Care link in the Shopping Mall to go directly to their store.

Page 6 has been updated to include the latest articles uploaded to the Witchgrove files.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Missed one!

Mike Gleason also reviewed 'The Merlin Tarot' by RJ Stewart, which is also now on the Book Reviews page (link in previous post).
The wonderful Mike Gleason has reviewed four more books:

'The Hand of Fate' by Dottie Enderle
'The Magick Bookshop' by Kala Trobe
'Vodou Shaman' by Ross Heaven
'White is for Magic' by Laurie Faria Stolarz

They can all be found on the book reviews page.
Anna Alexander introduces the weekly discussion, 'Finding your Focus', on page 4.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

A site search engine has been added to the Quick links page.

And Mab has reviewed 'The Passion of the Christ' on the Film Reviews page, as well as introducing this week's discussion, 'Lifting the Ceiling', on page 4.
all three poems:
Scott and Andrea's stuff.

Aud's new blog has been added

Saturday, April 03, 2004

review by Mike Gleason, page 7 book reviews.

'The Secrets of Afro-Cuban Divination' by Ocha'ni Lele (B. Stuart Myers)

Page 7, book reviews, all by Mike Gleason:

'Obi Oracle of Cuban Santeria' by Ocha'ni Lele
'The Destruction of Atlantis' by Frank Joseph
'The Pagan Mysteries of Halloween' by Jean Markale

Also added was:

Nica and Grimier's blogs are on the Blog page;
Twin Rose Designs is in the tailor/seamstress section of the Shopping Mall;
Phoenix's introduction to Frejan Witchcraft is on page 4;
Cabochon's review of 'the Craft', Georgia's review of 'Practical Magic' and Brad's review of 'Brother Bear' all on the film review page.

New link added:
Twin Roses Designs - Costumes and Clothing from All Time Periods!

Thursday, April 01, 2004

A bored Virgo did this today. :-)

Thank you Jo