The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Two weekly discussions have been added tonight: Karen's introduction to The Akashic Records and Georgia's introduction to Sending Energy and Healing.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Buffie Stanley has reviewed 'The Hidden Messages in Water' by Masaru Emoto on page 7's Book Reviews

Done some tidying up:

  • Jeninia's 'Triple Moon' is now displayed in The Art of the Grove after it was somehow missed in the move from the old site.

  • Mab's grandparents can now be seen again on the 2003 Samhain Remembering Page

  • The link to the New Temple of Astarte now works on page 3.

  • The link to Cee's interview with Cerr now links properly from the Quick Links page; as do Mike Gleason's reviews of 'Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Beltane to Mabon' by Ashleen O'Gaea and 'The Craft' and 'The Craft Companion' by Dorothy Morrison, on page 7.

  • Pixie and Jeninia's greetings now show up on 2003's Yule greetings page.

  • Brad's review of 'Brother Bear' can now be read on the Film Reviews page.

  • A couple of pictures will now display in the Private Members' section.

  • You can now actually e-mail the Wolverhampton Moot owner on the Black Country and Birmingham local pages, which you couldn't before because of a dodgy link.

  • Repaired the links in Mab's Magical Names weekly discussion.
  • Tuesday, March 15, 2005

    Mike Gleason has submitted six new reviews, all of which may be found on the Book Reviews page.

    They are:

    A Dark Muse by Gary Lachman
    A Witch's Notebook by Silver RavenWolf
    Magic of the Celtic Gods and Goddesses by Carl McColman and Kathryn Hinds
    Magickal Mermaids and Water Creatures by D. J. Conway
    Wicca Demystified by Bryan Lankford
    Witch Child by Celia Rees
    Branwynn Annwn has submitted her 'The Legend of Amethyst' for Bards of the Grove
    Jeninia has introduced this week's discussion, 'Spring (Clean) Equinox', which is on page 4.

    There's been some general tidying up, particularly on the Kindly Ones page and the Other Writings page.

    Witchgrove members only will find some changes in the Private Members' Section, in the Memorial.

    Aud has submitted her 'The Magic of Stonehenge' and Mab has submitted her 'Cerridwen' both for Bards of the Grove

    Saturday, March 12, 2005

    Georgia Langley has submitted a stunning prose/poem, 'Truth', to the Bards of the Grove.

    Tuesday, March 08, 2005

    Wild Mountain Gryph has submitted a poem, 'Trees', for the Bards of the Grove' section.

    Monday, March 07, 2005

    This week's discussion is 'The Importance of Being Storied' and is introduced by Phoenyxa on page 4.

    Page 3, the Members' Page, is now into six pages with the addition of Gryphonelder's section. Her book is also shown in the Shopping Mall.

    Friday, March 04, 2005

    Amended page 2 'This Month in the Grove' to include Heather's engagement.

    Amended section 5 of the Members' Pages (page 3), to include Griselda's logo.

    TygerCub's 'The Unexpected Guest', plus four more of Griselda's artwork, were added to The Art of the Grove.

    Wednesday, March 02, 2005

    Artwork and photography by Branwynn merch Annwn and Griselda Tello have been placed in the Art of the Grove.

    There was an amendment to This Month in the Grove (page 2) to add Dragonstar's achievement.

    A comment from Griselda has been left on page 3 Members' page.

    Wild Mountain Gryph's poem, 'My Thoughts of the Goddess Within', has been added to Bards of the Grove

    Tuesday, March 01, 2005

    On page 4, Heather has introduced a weekly discussion entitled, 'Finding your Inner Goddess'.

    There are several art submissions that have been added to the Art of the Grove, five from Griselda Tello, two from TygerCub and one from Dragonstar.

    A link to a left-wing news site, Alter Net, has been added to the Kindly Ones page.

    The stats page has been updated to reflect February 2005. It's also been tidied up a bit.

    Buffie and Dreamweaver added their blogs (Private Members' Page).

    'This Month in the Grove' was updated for February 2005 on page 2.

    The Bards of the Grove section had submissions from Sylvie and Will Shakespeare added to it.