The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Weekly discussion by Saoirse has been added to the page index page and also created at: for linking up next week on the past discussion page.

Ah, hell, I went ahead and added the link to the past discussion page now. I figure it's just as easy to do EVERYTHING for the one discussion in one fell swoop so that next week the only discussion to be tatted with is the current one.

Added a the rest of the pile of book reviews that Mab showed up at my door holding:

Llewellyn's '2006 Wicca Almanac'
'Secret Societies of the Middle Ages' by Thomas Keightley (Introduction by James Wasserman)
The Priestess of Isis by Edouard Schure

And one film review:
"The Tenth Kingdom"

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Book reviews added!

The Reflexology Atlas by Bernard C. Kostler, M.D. & Astrid Waskowiak, M.D
The Oestara Anthology of Poetry Edited by Cynthia Joyce Clay
Escape from Arylon by Jo Whittemore
The Mystery Traditions by James Wasserman
Book of Reality (Book 9 in the "Diadem Worlds of Magic" series)'by John Peel
Companion to the Apprentice Wizard by Oberon Zell- Ravenheart

More to come!

These have NOT been added to the forums because I didn't know which category to pop them in. (Note Feb 25th - These are now in the discussion forums too)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Cerr has introduced this week's discussion, entitled 'Open to Possibility', while Pixie's discussion from last week, entitled 'Hearts, Candy and Flowers oh my! ... Valentine’s Day…' has been archived.

In Bards of the Grove, there are three new additions:

'Just Let Go', a poem by TJay Cogburn
'Chakra Pathworking', a pathworking by Sage Panthea
'Grove Story', a short story by Mab of Dream

In 'Art of the Grove', 'Desiderata' has been presented by Kerriwyn.

A group has been added: Solitary Pagans, owned by Georgia

Website review: Cerr has reviewed 'Free Will Astrology' in the website review section.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I uploaded my own weekly discussion to the site today. Made some changes to the weekly discussion index page while chatting with Jo on the phone -- it make it easy to say "ok, look now..." makes changes and then say "ok, look now"

Friday, February 10, 2006

There is a new look to how the weekly discussions are archived. The old way was getting unwieldy, though sheer volume of them, so Pixie started making templates and Yve sent us the artwork. I've just tatted round the edges a bit.

To see the new pages directly, sorted into years:


More new looks to come in the near future. Check back often!

Monday, February 06, 2006

'Paganism: A Way of Life or a Religion?' asks Georgia in this week's discussion, while Dreamweaver's 'The Psychology of Religion' has been archived.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The stats page has been up-dated to reflect January 2006.

'This Month in the Grove' has also been updated to show January 2006.

Unbelievably, we're now into our 8th members' page! Herbdancer has added her comments along with information about what she has to offer at The Herbal Hutch. This has also been added, under 'Crafts', to the Shopping Mall (with the world's dodgiest banner invented by me... hopefully someone in the Grove will realize the crisis of a Virgo leaving a web-page looking like that and will create a banner... I'll just bite my nails off until someone notices.)