The WG webmasters cheat by creating a blog instead of faffing around uploading ftp files to up-date this page.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

All of the academic reviews have been added to the discussion forum.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Mike Gleason has reviewed the 'Witchcraft: Rebirth of the Old Religion' DVD by Raymond Buckland.

Branwynn Annwn has provided a fascinating History of Gemstone Therapy, as the basis for this week's discussion.

On a related topic, September's birthstone, Sapphire, has been added to the Gemstone Deva page.

Mab has reviewed 'Doomsday Book' by Connie Willis, added to both book reviews and the discussion forum.

Chris's banner has been changed in the 'Artwork' section of the Shopping Mall.

Lasting Impressions

Nice, eh? Yes, it's clickable, go and look!

Finally, Nancy's artwork, 'Mabon', has been added to the Art of the Grove.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Book Reviews

Mike Gleason has reviewed:

2005 Witches' Almanac by Elizabeth Pepper
Attack of the Intergalactic Soul Hunters by Timothy Carter
Magical Creatures by Elizabeth Pepper
Music, Witchcraft and the Paranormal by Dr. Melvyn J. Willin
Sign of the Crescent by Debbie Federici
Rede of the Wiccae by Robert Mathiesen and Teitic

Mab has reviewed:

'Edinburgh's Historic Mile' by Duncan Priddle
'The Celtic Sources for the Arthurian Legend' by Jon B Coe and Simon Young
'Arthur's Camlan' by Laurence Main
'Camlan: The True Story?' by Laurence Main

These have all been added to both the book reviews section and the discussion forum.

CD Reviews

Reviewed by Mike Gleason:

The Inner Temple of Witchcraft Companion CD by Christopher Penczak
The Outer Temple of Witchcraft Companion CD by Christopher Penczak
The Temple of Shamanic Witchcraft Companion CD by Christopher Penczak

These have been added to the Music Reviews section, though on a second reading, I'm not convinced that they shouldn't be in the book reviews... any thoughts?

Monday, September 19, 2005

Damien Wynter has introduced a discussion around Mabon/Autumn Equinox

Monday, September 12, 2005

All reviews have now been categorized in the book discussion forum. The categories listed on the Book Review page have been updated to reflect the finished thing.

The Lost It (or Quick Links) page, ordinarily up-dated whenever anything is, had quite a few things missing, so it's had a massive amount of up-dates.

Finally, Fell to Earth has introduced a thought-provoking weekly discussion entitled 'Judging Ourselves Through the Eyes of Others'.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

In the book discussion forum, authors surnamed H-R are uploaded; plus the 'featured books' and 'by category' books have been amalgamated into a single 'book discussions'.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

In the book discussion forum, authors surnamed 'F-G' have now been added, except for 'Coloring Mandalas' by Susanne F. Fincher, which I don't know how to categorize.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Two new sections have been added to the discussion forums, under the heading 'Bigging Up and Causes'. Here Grovers can tell us about any charities, causes or simply individuals whom they know are wonderful and want the whole world to know it.

Authors whose surnames begin D-E are now categorized in the book discussion forum.

The book reviews homepage now displays links to the categories. This is a work in progress and will grow.

Mab has reviewed 'The Town Below the Ground: Edinburgh's Legendary Underground City' by Jan-Andrew Henderson.

Lasting Impressions by Chris has been added to the Artwork section of the Shopping Mall.

Additions to the Art of the Grove are 'Genesis Dance' by Phoenyxa and Dreamweaver's 'Celtic Cross', 'Window of my Soul', 'Spirituality', 'Crack of Dawn', 'Colors' and 'Light and Dark'.

An amendment has been made to This Month in the Grove, under 'Rites of Passage and Veil Crossings': Phoenyxa's cousin (not her neice) is Alicia, not Claudia!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Authors surname beginning with a 'C' are now uploaded by category in the discussion forum.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

We are in the process of categorizing the book reviews, which is being done in the on-line discussion forum, so there's an archive of comments too. These reviews are first posted on Witchgrove itself and discussed there, but here is another option too.

So far, authors A-B are uploaded. More to follow.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Another round of up-dates:

In the Book Reviews section, there are several new reviews by Mike Gleason:

'ShadowQueen' by Debbie Federici & Susan Vaught
'2006 Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac' Llewellyn
'Forbidden History' edited by J. Douglas Kenyon
Llewellyn's 2006 Herbal Almanac
Llewellyn's 2006 Magical Almanac
Llewellyn's 2006 Witches' Calendar
Llewellyn's 2006 Witches' Datebook
'Secret Societies of America's Elite' by Steven Sora
'The Hermetic Tradition' by Julius Cvola
Book of Oceans (Book Eight in the "Diadem Worlds of Magic" series) by John Peel
Red is for Remembrance by Laurie Faria Stolarz
Sea Switch (Book Three in the "Strange Encounters" series) by Linda Joy Singleton

And one review by Mab:

'A Year of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague' by Geraldine Brooks

WE'VE WON AN AWARD! Check it out on the banners page.

In the Private Members' Section, there are photos of Jodi's Blessing Way.

Finally, on page 4, Dreamweaver has expertly led this week's discussion on Symbolism.

More to follow another day!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

It's been a while since any up-dating was done, for which I apologize, but here is the first batch now:

Page 1:

Two of the mods have been interviewed by Grove members about Witchgrove and themselves: Ivy Wolfmoon interviewed Pixie and Dreamweaver interviewed Anna.

The stats page has been up-dated to include August 2005.

This Month in the Grove was up-dated to reflect August 2005.

Up-dated the information in Alfynda Morgain's entry in the Members' Pages.

A group owned by Dreamweaver and Arramus, Witchy Wisdom, has been added to the Members' Groups.

A little late being added to the website, but an inspirational discussion underway all week in the Grove itself, Aud has introduced the subject of 'Rainbows and Dreams'.